General Filler


Congrats! You’re considering one of our general fillers like chin and jaw filler. At Plump, we have a specialized menu catered to your cosmetic goals.

Starting at $850 / cc


Timing, Feeling and Results


Lip procedures are blocked for 30 minutes to give you the time you need. General appointment breakdown is 10 minutes of topical numbing and 15 minutes of procedure. 

Most clients have minimal discomfort, on a scale of 1-10, they are a 2-3. This is less painful than laser hair-removal, thanks to our unique numbing technique.


Most clients have minimal discomfort, on a scale of 1-10, they are a 2-3. This is less painful than laser hair-removal, thanks to our unique numbing technique.

 Our Care guide


When can I wear makeup? What about work out?

You can apply makeup ~30 mins after your procedure. We suggest waiting 24 hours before working out. 

When to seek medical attention

Increasing redness or intense pain is not normal. Please text us.


What are some common side effects?

Bumps: These can sometimes happen with lip filler. Most bumps are small resolving bruises or a build up of the product. These can be massaged out or, in rare instances, we can use a small droplet of a dissolver.

Swelling: depends on multiple factors and just because you didn’t swell one time, does not mean you will not swell the next time you do a treatment. Sometimes an anti-swelling medication will be given after your injection.

Bruising: Some people are predisposed to bruise. We suggest that you avoid vitamins, alcohol, and ibuprofen products to minimize the chance of bruising. Bruises can last 2-3 days or up to 2 weeks depending on type and location. Arnica pills can be purchased during your visit that can help heal bruises. Occasionally, we may suggest a follow up laser appointment to help speed up more severe bruises.


Ready to make your appointment?